Choosing car insurance is not easy . Especially in the midst of stiff competition today . Almost all insurance companies have vehicle insurance products . Stay prospective customers to choose which are worth taking . Therefore below we present some criteria so that no one chose :

1 .
Prospective customers do not dwell on the cheap premium rates . Therefore , in today's competition , many insurance companies slam prices , offers cheap premium rates . Though not necessarily a guarantee of service .
2 .
See the insurance package offered . For example, extensive warranties to how much. Therefore , the scope of cover should be adjusted with the desire and ability to prospective customers .
3 .
See also the network of insurance companies concerned . For example, how many have a branch office or how many partners have a garage , so that no claim did not wait long to repair the vehicle or vehicles reported missing .
4 .
Could be asked first ease , facility or what added value can be obtained when buying the policy in the company . For example , is there a tow truck , car replacement or hotline services, mechanic services , ambulances and so forth . And , last but not least is the ease to make changes as well as ease in asking .
5 .
Consider also the reliability of the insurance company . Do not get so there is a claim , the workshop did not have a partner . Therefore , many insurance companies claim they are the best . Though financial condition was very severe .

In addition to the above , there are several factors that should be considered in the process of selecting an insurance company included in choosing the product . The thing to keep in mind that in choosing a private insurance company , then that should be considered in general are three factors .

First , the financial strength (security ) . Second , the service ( service ) . And third , the cost or burden . The financial strength of insurance related to the company 's financial ability to fulfill its promise if the situation requires . It is important to know, because not a few insurance companies are looking at the flashy exterior . For example storey building , vehicle good directors . But when there claims from customers, the company can not afford to pay .

In assessing the financial strength of this there are several benchmarks that need to be considered .
Assets and liabilities. It can be seen from the consolidated balance sheet is published in the newspaper . See also , whether planted in the current investment or longterm . In terms of liability ( ability to pay off liabilities ) will look at the balance sheet , how the debts by reinsurers , how he fulfilled his obligation to pay claims , and so forth .

Indicators of net liabilities include equity (own capital ) divided by net premiums ` ` ( net premiums ) of at least 50 % . Own capital divided by ` gross ` premiums ( gross premiums ) of at least 20 % . Limit level of solvency , as seen from its own capital divided by net premiums of at least 10 % and investment funds technical reserves divided by at least 100 % .

b .
Underwriting Policy . On the balance sheet and annual report will be seen that the insurance is still a profit , or profit growth . This means that the policy underwiting good .
c .
Its underwriters . Insurance has staff who are qualified or not . It is known from the profile of companies that includes the underwriters him .

Services (service ) is a reflection of the extent of human resources at the company's qualified or not . Moreover , insurance companies are selling a service , so excellent service is the key . For example , the extent to which the speed of service in both the policy issue especially in the payment of compensation or claim .
In addition, the matter of service can actually be felt by the customer . Is this insurance company was absolutely the best services for its customers .

In this connection it should also be questioned , whether the insurance company 's reinsurance mereasuransikan first-class safety . It can be seen from the annual report . It is important to note , because if the company is not backed - up by reinsurance , the company is likely to be speculative in receiving the premium .

The problem is how much the costs incurred by insurance companies in operation . If it is greater than the cost of entry, it is clear the company is not efficient . If it is not efficient , it will end up losing money. And , if you continually lose , certainly not healthy .

In this connection could also see the price premiums . Compare the price of insurance premiums with other insurance . Which is really good quality .

Today the government has set a benchmark of health insurance ( not the only one ) is through mekanime RBC ( Risk Base CAITAL ) . If RBC number was large , this means the company is valued in good condition . But we should not be fixated solely with RBC numbers . Therefore, it could be a large company that is doing such a massive expansion to open many branches , then his RBC numbers would be small .
Instead , there is a small insurance company but never to expand, the RBC number was probably much greater .

Thus, RBC numbers can not be used as the only measure , whether the insurance company is healthy or not .

In this case , also noteworthy is the performance of the company in the last two or three years . How big profits every year , how much gross premiums they receive each year , how much additional capital and assets every year .

And , last but not least is how the company's management behavior over the years. Is there a management company for this broken promise ? Has this company experienced management defaults and so forth .

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