9 Tips for a healthy life quality - Everyone will want to be healthy and fit at all times , to be able to carry out all the activities with lancar.Jika want to be healthy of course we have to do and healthy lifestyle habits in daily life days.We all know that healthy habits , for example, not smoking , maintaining a healthy weight , exercise , eat healthy foods and more healthy habits lainnya.Kedengarannya very simple , but many who have tried to feel how hard it is to change habits , some people are trying to make drastic changes , but when they encounter difficulties they simply gave up .
Actually, the secret to a healthy life it only need to do minor changes to be done continuously , such as a glass of water in the morning , enough physical activity , positive thinking ( Positive thinking ) . Nah with small changes and simple is what will create extraordinary results in your life ( healthy, fit , and live a higher quality ) .
Below are some tips and simple habits that need to be done to keep it healthy and fit every day , so we can do activities smoothly .
Glass of water in the morning
Get used to wake up in the morning with a glass of water , if you like you can add lemon or lime juice , water is believed to cleanse toxins and free radicals in the body , and of course that you avoid dehydration ( 60 % of our body is fluid ) .
Enough sleep
Lack of sleep can make you tired , angry and unable to maintain concentration with baik.Kurang sleep can also impair the physical , health ( especially heart health ) . Several studies have shown that 8 hours of sleep per 24 hours ( day and night ) is a standard requirement on average dewasa.Tapi for each person may also vary between 8 -10 hours , if you still feel sleepy , chances are you are lacking sleep .
Stretching in the morning
Stretching increases blood flow to your muscles , and provide extra oxygen to be useful for today's activities with enthusiasm and optimism .
Get used to breakfast in the morning
Morning meal ( breakfast ) is very useful as a source of energy to move , breakfast can also prevent from diseases of the stomach ( gastritis ) , do not be afraid of fat , because some research ( Conference of the American Heart Association 2003) reported that people who eat breakfast in the morning is less likely to suffer obese and diabetes compared with those who skipped breakfast ( nonbreakfast ) .
Take your time to walk every day .
We certainly already know tentan advantages of physical activity ( walking ) , but many of us do not have the time and feel the desire to work at the office berolahraga.Jika you get used to using the stairs instead of the elevator , walk around with your friends , go for a walk with the dog your little longer this will make you more active fisik.beberapa researchers say that people only have to walk 12 miles per week or about 125-200 minutes per week to improve their heart health .
Perform social interaction .
It is said that lonely people tend to get sick and die more muda.Orang friends who do not have easy to stress , depression and often less active fisik.Para experts say that someone who has a good social interaction will be better health .
Natural food consumption ( without preservatives )
Peruse the list of foods you want to buy , whether it contains preservatives and unhealthy , there are many hundreds and even unhealthy foods and preservatives on the market , so you Pastika more careful in choosing healthy foods for Anda.Dapatkan enough information about the food , cosmetics and other products are not good for your health on the Internet .
Find new activities
Creating new activities with friends , family like hiking , sports groups , ski or ride a bike , a hobby can provide its own pleasure and reduce stress.Anda will also begin to meet people who have the same interests as you and maybe get some new friends , cool right? Enjoy your new hobby , and remember that happy people generally live longer .
Love Your Life
Relax ! do not be nervous and angry over trivial issues , do not be too serious , smile , love of others, and always see the bright side of life .
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